Watchdog probes vapes

Federal consumer watchdogs in the U.S. have ordered Juul and five other vaping companies to hand over information about how they market e-cigarettes, the government’s latest move targeting the industry. The announcement Thursday from the Federal Trade Commission comes amid a nationwide crackdown on e-cigarettes as politicians and health authorities try to reverse an explosion […]

Lowe’s Canada CEO retires

The head of Lowe’s Canada has retired about four years after he guided the U.S. home renovation retailer’s acquisition of the Quebec-based Rona chain. Sylvain Prud’homme, 55, is being replaced by Tony Cioffi, executive vice-president finance, real estate and dealers, until a permanent replacement is named. Appointed head of the retailer’s Canadian division in 2013, […]

How to save for retirement in your 40s, 50s, and 60s

It’s not too late to start saving for retirement. Thirty-seven percent of all employees age 35 to 44, and 34 percent of employees age 45 to 54 have less than $1,000 saved for retirement, according to the Employee Benefits Research Institute. Here’s how to start saving now In your 40s: Get your money to work […]

Two-thirds of Americans share this surprising retirement confession

There’s no one “right” way to save for retirement, and everyone will have different goals and strategies. But regardless of how you choose to save, it’s essential to stash at least a little away for retirement now. The earlier you begin saving for retirement, the easier it is to accumulate several hundred thousand dollars (or […]

Why you should embrace a minimalist retirement

“The freedom on the other side of our stuff makes us truly euphoric!” That’s the phrase minimalist Amy Rutherford, 51, of Parker, Colo., uses to describe the feeling of joy she and her husband Tim, 52, now enjoy after getting rid of most of their possessions. Here’s how she and a few others have embraced […]

Will $1 million be enough in retirement? It depends

Congratulations! You’ve saved enough for retirement. Now what? For those fortunate enough to have accumulated a nest egg large enough to last them through their post-working years, some hard decisions can still arise. You don’t want to jeopardize your savings by keeping too much in the stock market (or in bitcoin). But slide too far […]

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