Trudeau’s platform in focus
The federal Liberal election platform is out, and it’s brimming with talking points not only for Justin Trudeau, but for his political rivals as well. There’s billions in new spending – $57 billion worth, according to Conservative math – to be financed in part by new taxes on the wealthy, large international corporations, foreign housing […]
Ferry to become dive site
A crash-prone ferry whose service life came to an end after it ran into a Quebec wharf this year will be given a new life as a diving destination and aquatic habitat. The MV Apollo, removed from service last March, will be turned into an artificial reef for scuba-diving enthusiasts in Godbout, Que., on the […]
Behind on Your Savings? You’re Not Alone
When you’re decades away from retirement, saving may not be your biggest priority. With a laundry list of bills and other financial responsibilities, it may be tempting to focus more on those than retirement planning. However, the longer you put it off, the harder it will be to catch up. Eventually, it may even become […]
3 Dividend Stocks That Are Perfect for Retirement
Investors in retirement or close to it often look to dividend stocks to provide a steady source of income without having to sell shares when the market is on a downswing. But retirees should be planning an investment strategy that will support them into their 90s, which means that the plan will need to include […]
62% of Americans Need to Catch Up on Retirement Savings: Here’s How Each Age Group Can Do Just That
If you’re lucky, you’ll have several distinct sources of retirement income that will come together to buy you a comfortable lifestyle. One such source will likely be Social Security, assuming you worked long enough to pay into it. Another source could be earnings from a part-time job you hold down during your golden years. And, […]
Is Your Retirement Budget Realistic?
When it comes to something as important as calculating your retirement expenses, the worst thing you can do is take a shot in the dark. But unfortunately, that seems to be the favored strategy among most Americans. If you figure too high, you could end up saving more than you need and working longer than […]