5 Reasons to Get a Part-Time Job

Many people take part-time jobs because they struggle to find full-time work and believe they have no choice. But in plenty of cases, candidates actually want part-time work, as opposed to a full-time job. In fact, jobs website FlexJobs reports that more people today are interested in part-time work than in freelance work. If you’ve previously shied away from […]
Workers Remain in High Demand; Wages Inch Up

Job openings rose by 4.6% in July while median base pay increased by 1.9% compared to the same period in 2018, according to Glassdoor’s monthly market report. That marks a bounce back in openings from earlier in the year. In March, openings had slowed to only 0.1%. Overall job postings on Glassdoor sit at 5.85 […]
Read This Before Borrowing From Your 401(k)

Sometimes, we run into situations where we’re desperate for money. Maybe your car broke down out of the blue. Maybe you lost your job, and don’t have emergency savings in the bank to tide yourself over until a new one comes along. If you’re sitting on a sizable 401(k) plan, you may be tempted to borrow money […]
5 Mind-Blowing Statistics About the Richest 1%

The richest 1% know the secrets to building wealth, and nothing makes that more evident than the statistics about how they stack up to the 99% that most of us belong to. Though we may never join them, many of us can’t help but be curious about how these wealthy folks live. Here are five […]
Apple Card rolls out in the US this August

It’s all about that titanium credit card, isn’t it? The rumors of an imminent Apple Card launch were on the mark. As part of Apple’s latest earnings call, CEO Tim Cook confirmed that the iPhone-centric credit card will be available in the US sometime in August. He didn’t provide a specific date or other launch […]
Google’s Android Auto update makes launching and using apps safer

Navigation info is now everywhere. Until recently, infotainment systems were sort-of-useful at best or plagued with horrendous interfaces at their worst. The introduction of Android Auto and CarPlay got automakers to finally start thinking about how people use touchscreen devices. Google and Apple took what they knew about touchscreens, voice assistants and media, creating easy-to-use […]
Chrome now prevents sites from checking for private browsing mode

You really can go Incognito. As promised, Google is ready to make websites respect Incognito mode whether they like it or not. The company has released Chrome 76 for Linux, Mac and Windows, closing a loophole that let sites detect private browsing by looking for the presence of a key framework. If you’re tired of […]
LG’s updated UltraFine 5K display works with your iPad Pro

Don’t expect other major changes. LG’s UltraFine 5K Display has returned after a months-long hiatus, although you might not scramble to get one depending on what device you’re using. The updated version of the 27-inch monitor is compatible with the USB-C output from recent iPad Pros, making it a viable option if you need a […]
Stocks to Watch: DopeCoin Trading Down 19.7% (DOPE)

DopeCoin (CURRENCY:DOPE) traded 0.4% lower against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 8:00 AM Eastern on July 30th. One DopeCoin coin can currently be bought for $0.0014 or 0.00000015 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges including Cryptopia and Bittrex. DopeCoin has a market capitalization of $167,759.00 and approximately $3,537.00 worth of DopeCoin was […]
Stocks to Watch: Merus NV (NASDAQ:MRUS) Drops By 8.9%

Merus NV (NASDAQ:MRUS) saw a large drop in short interest in the month of June. As of June 30th, there was short interest totalling 324,000 shares, a drop of 8.9% from the May 30th total of 355,700 shares. Approximately 3.2% of the company’s stock are sold short. Based on an average daily trading volume, of […]