How Can I Save Money for My Child’s College Education?

To many parents, the thought of saving for a child’s college education can be overwhelming — and often, it can get put on the back burner until it’s too late to make a real impact on a college savings account. But it’s something you can (and should) do as soon as your baby is born […]

This is the age when it becomes embarrassing to live with your parents

Moving back in with your parents after college is not a new concept. But around age 28, it starts to get old. That’s when the situation begins to get embarrassing, according to a new survey from TD Ameritrade. That goes for all of the generations surveyed, including young millennials and even younger Gen Z respondents, […]

5 Disadvantages of Saving With a 401(k) Plan

For most, the advantages of 401(k) plans outweigh the disadvantages. But there are some people who would benefit from steering their retirement savings to other investment vehicles. Could you be one of them? This roundup of 401(k) disadvantages will help you decide. If you want more hands-on guidance while examining how a 401(k) could fit […]

Hong Kong’s new pensions tax break gives early boost to retirement savings

Hong Kong’s new tax incentives for pension contributions have already encouraged more people to save for their retirement, a trend that could help ease the burden of an ageing population, according to regulators and insurers. Several major pension providers including HSBC, Prudential, Manulife and AIA told the Post they had seen a strong response to […]

A fix for the OnePlus 7 Pro’s ‘phantom tap’ issue is on the way

Other touchscreen issues will be remedied too, the company says. The OnePlus 7 Pro has only been on the market for a matter of days, and some users are reporting problems with their screens. Some owners are dealing with “phantom taps,” which cause the device to register false inputs when they haven’t touched the screen. There are […]

WWDC 2019 by the numbers

There wasn’t ‘one more thing’ so much as there were multiple ‘more things’. Apple held its 2019 Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose on Monday and took the opportunity to show off its latest MacOS build, a bunch of new features for the iPad, a bonkers 6K display for its equally overpowered Mac Pro, and […]

Apple’s new Files app makes iPads better laptop replacements

Local storage in iPadOS is a surprisingly big deal. Apple has long insisted that iPads represent its vision for the future of computing, but they’ve always lacked one key feature that made them less than ideal for actual work: proper file management. You could never officially download files within Safari on the iPad, nor could […]

‘Unprecedented’ 3D magnetic interactions could change computing

Researchers led by the University of Glasgow made a spintronics breakthrough. The field of spintronics, or spin electronics, uses an electron’s spin and its magnetic movement to encode instructions and other data. It’s sometimes seen as an alternative to electronics, which relies on the electron’s charge to encode data. While spintronics has the potential to […]

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