How 401(k) savers can avoid a nasty surprise come retirement

Since its debut nearly 40 years ago, the 401(k) has emerged as one of the premier tools to save for retirement in America. In fact, when we poll 401(k) participants across the country, the majority of them consistently say it’s their largest — or only — source of retirement savings.* One of the main reasons […]

This company wants to help shave $6,200 off your student loans

When Michael Bloch’s wife graduated from law school with more than $300,000 in student loans, the couple sat down to come up with a plan. After reading blogs and articles, drafting spreadsheets and consulting a financial advisor, they still didn’t have an answer. “We really struggled with what is the right way to pay those […]

How to handle your money after you’re laid off

While the layoffs at Ford Motor Co. are the latest to grab headlines, the automaker isn’t alone in trimming its payrolls. Retailers, snack foods companies, manufacturers and others are cutting costs across the country, too. This year, Michigan has seen or is expected to see layoffs at General Motors, the Detroit Medical Center, Concerto of […]

Social Security benefits: 5 ways to increase your retirement checks

When it comes to preparing for a financially comfortable retirement Opens a New Window. , you’re going to have to plan ahead Opens a New Window. . It’s important to take advantage of your Social Security benefits Opens a New Window. , specifically. In order to boost your retirement income Opens a New Window. , […]

Sprint turns on 5G service in four cities

As with others, coverage and devices are uncommon. Make that three big US carriers that have hopped aboard the 5G bandwagon — Sprint has launched its 5G service in parts of Atlanta, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and Kansas City. You’ll need to wait until May 31st to buy the LG V50 ThinQ or HTC 5G Hub […]

Tesla opens Model 3 orders in Australia, Japan and a few other places

It has also revealed the prices for China-made Model 3 vehicles. Tesla is finally accepting Model 3 orders from buyers in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Ireland and Macau. It’s been a long wait for some of those locations: In Australia, for instance, reservations opened as far back as three years ago when Model […]

Uber’s first post-IPO earnings report shows another $1 billion lost

The company’s operating losses have more than doubled year over year. Uber’s first earnings report as a public company shows that while its revenue is higher than last year; the company is still hemorrhaging money. Still, there’s no doubt that the company is getting bigger. The company earned $3.1 billion in revenue for the first […]

Amazon is reportedly interested in buying Boost Mobile

If helping to create a competitor is a necessary condition to get the Sprint/T-Mobile deal done, then perhaps Amazon can help. A report from Reuters suggests the retailer is interested in buying Boost Mobile from the combo, particularly because it would come with the ability to use T-Mobile’s network for six years. The unnamed sources […]

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