Parents are making this big money mistake with adult kids

Sometimes too much financial help Opens a New Window. is a bad thing. A new study from Merrill Lynch shows that 79% of parents provide some financial support for their adult children. And Ramsey Solutions financial expert Chris Hogan said parents may actually be setting them up for failure. “It’s so important for us to […]

There is a savings crisis and many Americans don’t know how to fix it. Here’s how

WHEN PARTS OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWNtoward the end of last year, many Americans went without a paycheck or two. Crisis followed. A tax examiner for the IRS couldn’t afford to pick up his insulin prescription. A geologist for the Department of Interior was left with just $33. Some workers had to take on temporary jobs. For a […]

This is the thing most likely to cause you financial ruin — but few prepare for it

Health can destroy wealth.  Just in the past year, Americans borrowed an estimated $88 billion to cover health care costs, according to a survey from West Health and Gallup, released Tuesday. What’s more, 45% of Americans are concerned that a big health event could cause bankruptcy. They’re right to be concerned. More than two in three […]

Open Curbs database could make it easier to catch an Uber

Coord’s Open Curbs would help cities and companies alike. Curb data can be intensely useful to city planners and transportation companies alike, but it’s usually fenced off. What if everyone had access to it? They will now. Alphabet spinoff Coord has launched Open Curbs, a public repository for curb info like parking signs, fire hydrants […]

Boston Dynamics’ acquisition will help its robots see in 3D

Its robots might find work in factories sooner rather than later. While Boston Dynamics’ robots make for fascinating — sometimes disturbing — internet videos, they haven’t quite crossed into everyday life. That could change sooner rather than later. Boston Dynamics took a big step toward bringing its box-moving (and running, jumping, dishwashing) robots into the […]

Google sets baseline standards for temp workers after outcry

Google staff weren’t even allowed to sympathize with contractors. Google is once again responding to complaints about working conditions and strategic decisions. The search firm is implementing “minimum standards” for temporary staff in the wake of 900-plus workers signing a letter criticizing the company’s policies, including a lack of insurance and time off. As of […]

Oslo to Install Wireless Electric Chargers for Taxis

Norway’s capital is set to become world’s first city to employ the technology for electric taxis. IN JUNE 2016, THE government in Norway made an important promise to its citizens: cleaner air by requiring all new cars to be emission-free by 2025. Several other countries, such as the United Kingdom and France, followed with separate plans and Europe appeared poised to […]

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