NASA, ESA will study how artificial gravity can keep astronauts healthy

It could be crucial to the future of long-term trips to space. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have to exercise and alter their diet to endure extended stays in microgravity, but NASA and the ESA hope to find a better way. They’re about to start a study that will explore how artificial gravity might […]
Google Maps lets some users create public events

It’s early days, but you could soon add a party or meet-up. You might soon have an easy way to let Google Maps users know when you’re hosting a big get-together. Android Police has discovered that Google is quietly giving at least some Android users the option to create public events. If you have it, […]
WhatsApp test highlights frequently forwarded messages to curb fake news

A beta test shows when a message has clearly made the rounds. WhatsApp is experimenting with yet more tools to help fight the spread of fake news. A new beta for Android labels messages you send as “frequently forwarded” if they’ve been shared five or more times. You can even see the exact forwarding count […]
China says it cloned a police dog to speed up training

Whether or not it’s a wise idea remains to be seen. It can be costly and time-consuming to train police dogs when each candidate might have different skills and personalities. China’s solution? Make copies of the best-performing dogs. The state-backed China Daily reports that the city of Kunming, the Yunnan Agricultural University and Beijing Sinogene […]
Stock market likely to take Mueller findings in stride

An incriminating report could have roiled markets, but upside potential had already largely been priced in Investors have largely ignored the political drama that has accompanied the first two years of the Trump administration, but equity strategists and analysts say markets will soon have to confront its ramifications, as U.S. Attorney General William Barr sent […]
3 Stocks To Watch In The Coming Week: Apple, Cronos, Foot Locker

Recessionary fears are back and with it, investor terrors which triggered last week’s equity market selloff. As the trading week came to a close, the U.S. Treasury yield curve inverted on signs of a slowing global economy. On Friday, the yield on U.S. 3-month Treasurys surpassed the return on 10-year notes, resulting in the S&P […]
2 Stocks to Watch Ahead of Canada’s Election Season

The Canadian federal election is scheduled to take place on or before October 21, 2019. The next election promises to be one of the most contentious in living memory. As usual, the economy will be a huge focus. Can investors expect shifts in policy that will provide a boost for the market in the next […]
Stocks to Watch: YMT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A251370), DNF Co.,Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A092070)

Here we will take a look at several key ratios for YMT Co., Ltd. (KOSDAQ:A251370), starting with the Book to Market (BTM) ratio. Value investors seek stocks with high BTMs for their portfolios. The ratio is a comparison of the firm’s net asset value per share to it’s current price. This is helpful in determining […]
Uri Geller Urges Mass-Telepathy Against Brexit

TEL AVIV – Spoon-bending psychic Uri Geller wants to bend British Prime Minister Theresa May’s will against Brexit using mass-telepathy. From his home in Israel, Geller – who is also a British citizen and a former resident of May’s Maidenhead constituency – wrote an open letter to the prime minister urging her to block Britain’s […]
Transplant service at ‘breaking point’

“She wanted life to go back to what it was before her kidneys shut down.” Scot Radcliffe’s wife, Gina Ravens, had been waiting four years on the transplant list for a lifesaving organ. The 62-year-old was receiving dialysis three times a week. Then, in the early hours of New Year’s Day 2017, she got the […]