2 Stocks to Watch Today: Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO), Halliburton Company (HAL)

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) experienced a high price of $54.23 with a low value of $53.04 at the end of the last trading session, which followed after a gain of 1.28% and settled at $53.94 during the course of the last 24 hours for the day. Respectfully, the company now has 4.47B shares after […]
Two stocks To Watch For Long-Term Investors: Public Joint-Stock Company Mobile TeleSystems (MBT), Cloudera, Inc. (CLDR)

Public Joint-Stock Company Mobile TeleSystems (NYSE: MBT) experienced a high price of $8.49 with a low value of $8.27 at the end of the last trading session, which followed after a gain of 4.23% and settled at $8.37 during the course of the last 24 hours for the day. Respectfully, the company now has 973.44M […]
Late-season wave of influenza hits B.C.

Health bulletin says new cases are mainly related to the influenza A strain Health officials say British Columbia is experiencing a late-season surge of flu cases. The latest flu bulletin from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control says there’s been an unusual wave of new cases of the influenza A strain since early March, a strain mostly affecting […]
Stanley Bridge Centre getting major upgrades this summer

Renovations to include more space for market vendors and new cafe Old church pews and antique furniture are scattered throughout the Stanley Bridge Centre building and the society that owns the centre says it’s a sign of big changes to come. The Stanley Bridge Memorial Society is preparing for a major renovation for the aging building. The old church has […]
Heads up: Northern lights could be visible this weekend

Sunspot unleashes solar flare followed by stream of particles which could bring out northern lights Saturday A spot on the sun released an explosion that is on its way to Earth and could give us a good chance of catching the northern lights on Saturday. The sun has certainly been quiet lately: in February it […]
Robert Mueller’s report on Russia probe delivered to U.S. attorney general

Report, still confidential, sets the stage for big public fights to come Special counsel Robert Mueller on Friday turned over his long-awaited final report on the contentious Russia investigation that has cast a dark shadow over Donald Trump’s presidency, entangled Trump’s family and resulted in criminal charges against some of the president’s closest associates. The […]