Red River threat rising

Heavy snowfall in the United States has raised the threat of flooding in Manitoba’s Red River Valley this spring. The Manitoba government says conditions have worsened since its first flood outlook last month. The province says, with average weather over the next few weeks, that the Red River Valley could see flooding higher than in […]
WestJet suspends guidance

WestJet Airlines is suspending its 2019 financial guidance following the grounding of its 13 Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft by regulators in Canada and the United States due to safety concerns. The Calgary-based airline says its financial outlook provided as late as a month ago are being put on hold except for earnings per share, […]
5 Retirement Saving Tips for 2019 — and Beyond

Are you on track to save enough for retirement in 2019? Is your 401(k) invested properly? Are you taking full advantage of the tax-advantaged retirement savings tools at your disposal? Here’s what you should know about these retirement savings topics, along with a few other tips, as you plan your retirement savings strategy in 2019 […]
Here’s why the last 5 years before retirement are so critical

Retirement portfolios should be stock-heavy in the early days and gradually move to lower-risk holdings as investors get closer to retirement. That’s been conventional wisdom around asset allocation for retirement. Riskier early, because without risk there’s no reward, and you have a lot of time for the ship to right itself if there’s a tough […]
How to Decide What to Splurge On

The key to saving, as everyone knows, is to spend less than you earn. So simple! But how do you get your spending under control when there are countless things you can spend money on? Over on The Simple Dollar, Trent Hamm offers this philosophy on spending and saving: “Be super cheap on everything that […]
These are the best and worst cities for first-time home buyers

If you’re a first-time home buyer and looking at cities in California, you may want to rethink your plans. Some under-the-radar metro areas in other areas of the country may provide more value. That’s according to a new study from personal finance website Bankrate, which ranked the 50 largest metro areas in the U.S. for […]