More workers are looking to retire early: A look inside the FIRE movement

Early retirement used to mean leaving the workforce at age 50. But a growing group of full-time workers are planning to quit even earlier. The desire to retire in your 30s or 40s is what’s driving the so-called FIRE movement. The name is an acronym for “financial independence, retire early.” FIRE appears to be gaining […]
This Smart Investment Can Help You Avoid Taxes

Investing your money is a good way to grow it into an even larger sum over time. But if there’s one downside to investing, it’s having to pay taxes when your portfolio makes you money. There are several ways you might get taxed on investments. If you sell assets for more than what you paid […]
5 Essential Tips for Preparing Your Cryptocurrency Taxes

Paying taxes on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is becoming a priority for individuals in the US after the IRS announced on July 2nd, 2018 that one of their core campaigns and focuses for the year is the taxation of virtual currencies. Because cryptocurrencies are treated as property in the eyes of the law, they are subject to capital […]
What Is The Average Retirement Savings in 2019?

It costs over $1 million to retire at age 65. Are you expecting to be a millionaire in your mid-60s? If you’re like the average American, the answer is absolutely not. The Emptiness of the Average American Retirement Account The first thing to know is that the average American has nothing saved for retirement, or so […]