Stock to Watch: Volt Information Services Inc (VISI)

Investors may be closely watching the levels on shares of Volt Information Services Inc (VISI). After a recent scan, we can see that last month’s opinion signal is 64% Buy. This is the combined signal for the previous month when applying a wide array of studies based on price movement. Using these same guidelines, the […]

Stocks to Watch: Insider Buying at Correvio Pharma Excites Stock

Insider buying tends to be a good thing. It’s good for obvious reasons, but most importantly, it shows outsiders that management is willing to put their own money where their company mouth is. It shows that they believe the stock is worth investing in. The most recent insider buy was in January of this year. […]

SNC-Lavalin city’s top choice for $600M LRT expansion

Southern Trillium Line extension including airport link due to be completed by 2021 SNC-Lavalin is the City of Ottawa’s top choice to build the $600-million Trillium Line extension during the second phase of Ottawa’s light rail project, CBC News has learned. The Montreal-based company, currently embroiled in political controversy, is one of three pre-qualified bidders for the southern extension, […]

Freeland, Hunt to announce Canadian-British press freedom summit this summer

Report says the number of journalists killed in retaliation for their work nearly doubled in 2018 Canada and Britain will co-host an international summit in London this summer on the growing threats to freedom of the press, and to promote better protection of journalists, The Canadian Press has learned. Sources say Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia […]

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