TransferWise CEO: How a mistake I made with money led to launching a business

Today, TransferWise is trusted by millions of customers worldwide, with the likes of Richard Branson and Peter Thiel having invested in its vision. Rewind 10 years or so however, and the picture was a lot different. In 2008, Kristo Kaarmann — who’s now TransferWise’s CEO — was working as a management consultant in London and […]

You Won’t Believe How Many Americans Have No Retirement Savings

Millions of workers today are banking on Social Security to pay their bills in retirement. But while those benefits will provide a nice chunk of income, they won’t be enough to sustain future retirees by themselves. So, working adults today must take saving matters into their own hands by socking away funds in whatever retirement […]

Are you ready for early retirement or just kidding yourself?

An interesting development over the last several years has been the Financial Independence/Retire Early (FIRE) movement. Financial independence is defined as having sufficient passive income and/or sufficient investments to cover your living expenses. The turning point is when you have saved enough or reduced your expenses enough to achieve “financial independence”. Once you have reached […]

3 Reasons Retiring Early Could Be a Huge Mistake

Half of Americans say they want to retire by age 60, according to a recent survey from TD Ameritrade. That’s an admirable goal, and understandable, too — when you’ve been part of the workforce for decades, of course you’re looking forward to relaxing sooner rather than later. However, as tempting as it is to call […]

Bluetooth direction finding will locate your keys

It also offers location accuracy down to a fraction of an inch. Bluetooth’s current location technology isn’t particularly exacting. Its proximity features can tell you when you’re close, but not which way to go — and the position features are only accurate down to the meter level (about 3.3 feet), which can only help so […]

Google Assistant notifications were broken on Android

An update to the Google app may have been the the cause. Google Assistant hasn’t been quite so… assistive lately. Numerous users reported that Google Assistant notifications have been broken on Android, preventing reminders and other important alerts from getting through. The problem appears to have started with updates to the Google app over the […]

UK ISP is turning broadband infrastructure into EV charging stations

Virgin Media owner Liberty Global is trialing the concept. Liberty Global is testing a secondary use for its broadband cabinets, the streetside boxes that link internet connections from exchanges to homes and businesses. It’s harnessing the infrastructure of its Virgin Media subsidiary to build electric vehicle charging stations in the UK. The telecommunications company is […]

Apple bans apps that trick you into subscriptions

App makers can’t hide the real cost in tiny print. Ever had an app trick you into a more expensive subscription than you were expecting, or hide the real terms in fine print you were never going to read? Apple wants to put a stop to it. The company has revised its guidance for App […]

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