5 Easy Financial Resolutions You Can Stick To

Let’s be honest: New Year’s resolutions often don’t work. The main reasons resolutions are abandoned is because they’re overly complicated or people don’t see tangible results when they hope to. This goes for financial resolutions, too. Fidelity Investments’ annual New Year Financial Resolutions Study found that one-third of Americans plan to make a financial resolution […]
Tips and training to get your personal finance in shape for the new year

This is the time of year when resolutions are made and broken. And topping the list of resolutions for many of us is figuring out our finances. “They look at where they are, they realize that often there’s a gap between where they are today and where they know they need to be and decide […]
10 Ways to Save More in 2019

Squirrel away more money. Among the one-third of Americans making 2019 financial New Year’s resolutions, 48 percent plan to save more, according to a Fidelity Investments survey. If you’re among those aspiring savers, read on for concrete ways to reach your savings goals. Identify your goals. It’s hard to start saving money if you don’t know why you’re saving […]
Do these 3 things early in the year to save on taxes, prevent headaches later on

Most financial to-do lists focus on what you need to get done by Dec. 31, but there’s also a brief window early in the new year to save yourself some significant cash. Here are three tasks to consider doing now: 1. Avoid tax penalties. If you live in a high-tax area, have a bunch of children […]
Maingear’s latest PC is built for flight simulators

It supports triple monitors and can handle a yoke, throttle, rudder pedals and panels. Maingear has teamed with flight sim outfit Honeycomb Aeronautical on a desktop PC designed for flight simulator nerds. “Honeycomb by Maingear” is built to handle the complex demands of airplane sims, with triple-monitor support and a built-in USB hub to handle […]
DFree helps the incontinent heed the call of nature

The always-on device uses ultrasound to gauge the fullness of the user’s bladder. Most folks have little trouble recognizing when their bladders are nearly at capacity and are able to plan accordingly. However for the elderly, disabled, and infirm, doing so isn’t always quite so easy. But that’s where the DFree from Triple W comes […]
Aura squeezes its fitness band into an Apple Watch ‘Smart Strap’

It uses biompedance to give a body composition and hydration level reading. In May Aura closed a relatively modest $109,000 Kickstarter for its Band, a fitness tracker that it says uses biompedance analysis to monitor “fat, muscle mass, minerals, and body water.” We spoke to the people behind the Band, who said it is available […]
Verizon and Disney think 5G can ‘transform’ entertainment

The network is also working with The New York Times on a 5G journalism lab. Verizon has announced at CES 2019 that it’s teaming up with Walt Disney Studios to bring emerging technologies, namely 5G, to media and entertainment. The partnership is designed to deliver the network’s 5G connectivity to every facet of the studio’s […]
The Stock Market Is Flashing Warning Signs of a Corporate Profit Collapse

Everyone knows profit growth is poised to cool this year. But by how much? Analysts who try to answer that question by looking at signals embedded in the stock market are coming up with some worrisome numbers. Going by history, the 16 percent decline in the S&P 500 between Sept. 20 and Jan. 3 reflected […]
Investors turn to gold as stocks get whipped around

New York – The turbulent stock market has thrilled gold investors. The price of gold has gained more than 8% since the beginning of October. The S&P 500 has plunged 14% during the same time frame. And investors who’ve bought gold mining stocks have done even better than those who just own the precious metal. […]