Uber seeks top Toronto talent with $200-million investment

Uber wants to take you wherever you need to go – and it’s betting Toronto’s best minds can help. The ride-sharing giant said today it will invest more than $200 million in Toronto over the next five years to expand an existing research lab focused on self-driving cars – led by University of Toronto artificial […]
Spuds become latest trade irritant as U.S. senator calls for probe of alleged Canadian potato dumping

Farmers here fire back, saying a favourable exchange rate is the only advantage they enjoy U.S. and Canadian trade negotiators might need to add spuds to a list that already includes cheese, steel and softwood lumber. A Republican senator has asked his government to investigate allegations by American farmers that Canadians are illegally dumping potatoes […]
7 Surprising Ways Retirement Will Change Your Life

You can plan for it, dream about it and try to visualize it, but there’s no way to tell for sure what retirement will be like for you until after you’ve actually pulled the trigger and left the job. As you contemplate this major life change, remember to prepare for these potential retirement surprises. The […]
8 Misconceptions About Health Care Costs in Retirement

While many Americans are aware that health care expenses will be significant during retirement, it can be tough to decipher exact amounts to set aside for medical treatment. Four out of five workers have not calculated how much they will need for health costs in retirement, according to a 2018 Employee Benefit Research Institute and […]
3 Reasons Your Higher 2018 Standard Deduction Might Not Help You at Tax Time

The tax reform bill that became law toward the end of 2017 took effect for the 2018 tax year. When you file your 2018 return early next year, you’ll get your first chance to see the actual impact of the many changes to the tax laws that the legislation made. One of the biggest changes […]
3 Smart Ways to Save Money on Your Next Car

If you’re in the market for a new car, you may already have some sort of money-saving plan. Perhaps you’re waiting until the end of the model year when dealers are trying to get rid of their inventory. Or maybe you’ve had your current car detailed in order to maximize its trade-in value. While those […]