How Reliant Should You Be on Social Security?

There’s no two ways about it: Social Security is a financial savior for our nation’s retired workforce. According to an analysis conducted by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the mere fact that qualifying aged beneficiaries are receiving a guaranteed monthly payout from the Social Security Administration (SSA) is keeping roughly 15.1 million retired […]
How Credit Utilization Impacts Your Credit Score

Credit utilization is a fancy name for how much of your available credit you’ve used. It’s one criterion used by the three major credit bureaus to calculate your credit score. Why do they care? Because your credit utilization is an indicator of the extent to which you rely on credit. How credit utilization affects your […]
More Americans Are Increasing Retirement Savings, Survey Shows

Although the U.S. doesn’t have the reputation for being a nation of savers, there does seem to be some hope. A new survey shows that 28% of employed Americans say they are putting away more money for retirement this year than they did last year. And that makes it four years in a row there’s […]
Working From Home? Remember These 3 Strategies

Working from home comes with a huge upside, along with some risks. You don’t have to commute and probably don’t even have to get dressed for work, but being at home has drawbacks, too. Not only is your house full of distractions, it’s not a typical workplace. That can make it hard to stay focused […]