People retire early for 2 reasons, and neither of them is money
When it comes to early retirement, there’s no discounting the importance of having enough money saved to retire early, but many early retirees will tell you the truth: money doesn’t really matter once you get there. Brandon of the blog Mad Fientist, who retired at age 34, previously told Business Insider he wishes he knew […]
5 Steps to Making Sure You’re Ready to Retire
Are you dreaming of handing in your notice at work and joining the ranks of the retired? Retirement can be wonderful — if you’re prepared for it. So before you put an end to your career, it’s essential to make sure you’re 100% ready. Not sure how to do that? Taking these five steps can […]
Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches on a Budget
FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia – Back to school means back to lunch preparation for parents around the country. It’s a challenge that many parents take on, but often struggle to keep healthy. While it’s easy to toss in convenient snacks, it’s not going to do much in the way of keeping their little bodies healthy and developing […]
Will This 1 Expense Upend Your Finances?
There’s no question that having children is expensive. But working parents are learning the hard way just how much money it costs to secure child care. For the fifth straight year, child care costs have climbed across the board, according to data from The average weekly cost for an infant in a day care […]