Mind on Money: Saving for retirement takes planning

Einstein once said called compound interest the eighth wonder of the world. As a result, the oldest financial planning tip in the world is that the sooner someone starts saving, the better their retirement is likely to be. With the benefit of time, investments are more likely to experience the effect of compound growth or […]
How to Prevent Debt From Destroying Your Retirement

Worrying about outstanding debt obligations can ruin the golden years for retirees. Three financial planners TheStreet spoke with explain how that doesn’t have to be the case. Build Your Portfolio For More Cash Flow Coming into retirement with some debt does not mean that retirees need to fret about their financial future. All it means […]
This is what you need to know to plan for medical costs in retirement

Medicare pays for many of the health-care costs incurred by older Americans, but it doesn’t cover everything. This creates a financial-planning problem — how much should a person expect to pay in out-of-pocket health-related expenses during retirement? It’s a tough question because there are so many unknowable factors: What medical problems will you face? How […]
GenX Retirement Won’t Be A Fantasy With These 4 Steps

GenX retirement could be a pipe dream if… In a recent survey, 84% of GenXers surveyed said that retiring at 65 is a fantasy. The reality, though, is that GenXer retirement doesn’t need to be a pipe dream. What is a GenXer? Pew Research Center showed that GenXers are more concerned about retirement than either […]