Will Big Media’s M&A Binge Derail Netflix?

One of last week’s biggest news stories was the court approval and subsequent closing of the AT&T and Time Warner acquisition. The results were the indirect catalyst for another big news item: In the wake of the victory in the highly watched antitrust case, Comcast then made a formal bid for the assets of Twenty-First […]
McDonald’s Has Finally Solved the Value Menu Equation

Back when McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) began offering its Dollar Menu, franchisees complained that it drove down their margins. The problem was that the menu offered extensive $1 choices that made it too easy for customers to construct a full meal from it for just a few bucks. Now, after multiple tries, it appears the fast-food chain […]
Hire an expert when tackling these three money tasks

Deciding when to retire. People have to make a lot of decisions around the time they retire. Many of those choices are irreversible and can have a dramatic impact on future comfort. If you withdraw too much money from your 401(k) or IRAs, for example, you could run out of cash before you run out of […]
You Just Need to Increase Your Savings By 1% a Year

One of the most common questions people have about getting their finances in order is how to possibly save enough for retirement when the numbers are so overwhelming. Life is expensive, and putting away 10 percent of your salary per year seems painful at best and impossible at worst. But it doesn’t have to be […]
5 travel tips to make the most of your family road trip

Long road trips can be such a drag. And if you’ve got kids in the back seat, it can be difficult to keep them entertained for hours on end. These days, it’s easy to hand devices to kids or pop in a DVD to keep temper tantrums at bay. However, enriching your road trip the […]
This simple trick will save you $10 every time you go shopping

The majority of Americans’ expenses go toward three things: housing, food and transportation. So cutting costs on groceries can make a major difference throughout the course of the year. But that’s often easier said than done. After all, who hasn’t grabbed a few impulse purchases in the checkout line and ended up with more food […]