SaskPower to build first utility-scale solar power project

Facility expected to be operational by end of 2019 SaskPower announced plans Tuesday for the province’s first utility-scale solar power project. A company called Saturn Power (based in Ontario) signed a 20-year agreement with SaskPower to build and maintain the facility. It will be located in the RM of Coulee, near Swift Current, and will […]
Drummondville’s only English elementary school gets $6M to expand

Quebec investment will allow overcrowded school to build 6 new classes and a gym Drummondville’s only English-language elementary school is getting the means to grow — though just enough to ease the pressure on a 1950s-era building that’s full to bursting. The Quebec government announced Tuesday it will invest $6.15 million to help Drummondville Elementary […]
Heroes of the flood: ‘Pure New Brunswick’ volunteerism honoured

Lt.-Gov. Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau many who everyone who helped others during the spring floods For ferrying the stranded people of Darlings Island to safety, Robert Dekany or “Uber Rob” got a personal thank you from the lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick. And he wasn’t the only one. Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau also thanked Chris Taylor of the Red Cross […]
All female faculty get raises at University of Guelph

All full-time female faculty members at the University of Guelph will be getting a raise after a salary review found they were being paid less than their male colleagues. University provost Charlotte Yates says the decision comes after crunching the numbers gathered through a review launched last year. The university will give a $2,050 raise […]
MIT uses brain signals and hand gestures to control robots

Robotic technology has a staggering range of applications, but getting it to perform adequately can be a challenge, requiring specific programming based around the way humans communicate with language. But now, researchers from MIT have developed a way to control robots more intuitively, using hand gestures and brainwaves. The team harnessed the power of brain […]
Instagram could launch its ‘IGTV’ long-form video hub today

Instagram will launch its long-form video hub very, very soon — maybe even some time today — and according to TechCrunch, it will be called IGTV. The hub will reportedly be part of the platform’s Explore tab and will feature YouTube-like vlogs around 10 minutes long. While a previous Wall Street Journal report said […]
Loupedeck makes welcome improvements to its photo-editing controller

When Loupedeck smashed its Indiegogo target in 2016, the media controller gave both aspiring photographers and professionals a chance to edit pictures on Adobe Lightroom more quickly and intuitively. That formula will be further refined in Loupedeck+, a freshly announced follow-up that introduces mechanical keys, a reworked design, and a custom dial control mode missing […]
Ford’s future transportation plans include an iconic Detroit train station

As Ford notches its 115th anniversary, the company celebrated its purchase of an iconic Detroit landmark with an eye toward the “smart cities” future we heard about at CES. Michigan Central Station served as a main passenger hub for the city once it opened in 1913, but the train station and 18-story office tower has […]
Better Buy: American Express Company vs. Discover

Both American Express Company (NYSE:AXP) and Discover Financial Services (NYSE:DFS) sport remarkably similar business models and, perhaps not coincidentally, have given investors almost identical returns over the past 12 months, both returning just over 22%. Which of these iconic companies makes for a better investment today? Let’s take a closer look at each to see […]
Better Buy: Ambarella, Inc. vs. Advanced Micro Devices

Chipmakers Ambarella’s (NASDAQ:AMBA) and AMD’s (NASDAQ:AMD) fortunes diverged sharply this year. Ambarella’s stock has tumbled over 25%, due to concerns about its slowing sales growth and its ability to keep up with technological shifts, while AMD rallied nearly 60% as investors cheered its comeback against Intel (NASDAQ:INTC). I previously compared these two stocks last October […]