Do the words ‘personal finance’ terrify you? Here are 5 tips to conquer the fear

Getting control of your personal finances is really quite simple – but it is not easy. If it were so, most all of us would not be reading this article. In fact, recapturing your personal financial health is one of the greatest stresses a family can experience. Millions are spent each year on books and […]
The best personal finance books for recent college grads

If you’re getting your college grad a gift of money, you might want to include a book on how to put that present to good use. Financial planning might not be a priority — 70 percent of grads are finishing school with significant debt. But with U.S. employers adding an average of 200,000 jobs per […]
5 Surprising Facts About Boomer Retirement

Are you close to retirement? Are you not as prepared as you’d like to be? If you’re LGBTQ, do you have a support system? You’re not alone. Our friend and fellow Forbes contributor, David Rae of, shared with us on Queer Money™ how you can get prepared. Objects in the mirror may be closer […]
Should You Use Your Retirement Savings To Buy A Home?

First-time home-buyers are often surprised by the requirements of obtaining a mortgage, especially when it comes to the down payment. One way you can improve your chances of getting a home loan is by putting at least 20% down at the time of purchase. For existing homeowners like me, coming up with a 20% down […]