Staying intentional: Personal finance advice everyone in their 20’s should follow

Typically, our 20’s are marked by a number of milestones, including graduating college, entering the workforce, moving up the career ladder, and, for some, getting married and starting a family. Each comes with a host of substantial lifestyle changes that require a solid understanding of your personal finances to avoid drowning in debt. Certified financial […]
Personal Finance Advice for Military Families

Military families face an enormous number of challenges when it comes to their finances. And, few decisions will be as important as whether they opt for a new retirement plan that is equal parts pension and matching contributions or stick with the old-fashioned pension arrangement. The option is offered to those who joined the military […]
Choose the right fixtures and hardware with these three tips!

What puts those final touches on a kitchen or bath project? It’s the hardware and fixtures of course! Fixtures can really make or break your kitchen or bathroom’s look and that’s why our friends at Hire It Done and Infusion Kitchen and Bath Showroom got together to give our viewers advice for your next home improvement project. Here’s what you […]
Don’t Let Debt Sabotage Your Retirement

Borrowing money can enable opportunities otherwise out of reach financially, such as pursuing an education that can lead to employment, buying a car and facilitating a home purchase. However, if not managed effectively, it can undermine your financial well-being. According to a 2017 study by Experian, Boomers have an average of $188,828 in mortgage debt […]