Mix Cryptocurrency And Paypal Together And You Get This

The world has had enough of paper money. Now that consumers are done with physical wallets, the multi-billion-dollar mobile pay app market is minting new digital barons at breakneck speed. And we’ve just identified one company at the forefront of the revolution which has a very compelling story. Glancepay is already the no. 1 mobile payment […]
How clients can bridge the investing ‘action gap’

Mind the gap. That’s the “action gap” between what Canadians are saving for retirement and what is needed to invest for the new reality of retirement – one that could last 20 or 30 years. According to a recent RBC Financial Independence in Retirement Poll, 46 per cent of Canadians 55 and older reported that […]
2 Dates for Netflix Inc. Investors to Circle in July

Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) shareholders have had a good year so far. Six months into 2017, their stock has significantly outpaced the market despite an arguably lofty valuation. There’s no telling whether the second half of the year will be as bright for investors. But in any case, you can count on seeing plenty of volatility […]
BlackBerry is sourcing a sales team to coincide with their software focus

Software maker BlackBerry Ltd’s (BB.TO)(BBRY.O) long-running recovery effort has been slowed by a dearth of salespeople to promote its revamped and more complex products, with CEO John Chen pledging to hire more sales specialists to help achieve its growth target. While BlackBerry’s traditional customers were security executives in top global companies, its reboot from smartphone […]
Here’s 7 Myths On Social Security Many Mistake As “Facts”

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about Social Security that could lead people to believe things about this valuable program that simply aren’t true. Can you spot fact from fiction? Here are seven statements about the program that don’t pass muster. 1. Members of Congress don’t pay into Social Security This isn’t true anymore. […]